
Thinking Out loud

  • Life in Stories

    When Margaret Atwood said : “In the end, we’ll all become stories.”, I felt that we are all characters in this ending world, writing a short chapter that will end sooner than we think. When the time comes, there will be stories, stories of friendship, of love, of suffering, of family, of success, and of… Read more

  • Outside My Window

    Outside My Window

    During burning Beirut summer days, I have acquired the habit of staring  out the window from the 9th floor, the adjacent rooftops and nearby windows open up as a grid of life, on the nearby building an umbrella and chairs were set  between the water tanks making the perfect spot for a summer tan, over there the neighbor… Read more

  • But…

    Can you see the reflection of the lights at dusk, the beauty and magic of the moment? Can you feel the chilly breeze? Can you see the whiteness of the snow and the purity of the scene ? Can you hear the secrets of the ocean? Can you feel the laughter and joy of a… Read more

  • A Call Before Dawn

    A Call Before Dawn

    Before dawn, the world is quiet, darkness, empty streets, the light of thunder striking through the window and breaking the silence of the night. Windows rattling, wind screaming through the cracks, the world is shaking, pairs of eyes sparkle in the darkness of the room, in wonder, in terror, gazing at the room dancing on… Read more

  • A Gift in a Shoebox

    A Gift in a Shoebox

    Eager faces, dim smiles, waiting, with eyes focused on two huge boxes placed in-front of the green board. Until the moment, the teacher says, “one by one you can come and pick one”. The drift of the tiny creatures, start moving one by one; boys on one side picking a gift box from the huge… Read more

  • Emptiness


    An empty seat,One less cup on the coffee tray,One less plate on the dining table,Unexplained faces and expressions,And a phantom of a beautiful soul,A missed smile,A missed sound of laughter,A missed logical advice,A silent phone and a wait for a call that would never come…It’s death, it’s loss, it’s grief, it’s missing.It’s the nostalgia for… Read more